
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

10 New Year's Resolutions, 8 Completed!

This is the first entry I post this year! It was originally written on January 9. (You'll understand why it wasn't published until 1/17 at the end of this entry). I hope all of you enjoyed your holidays and are sticking to your New Year's Resolutions. The past year has been full of mishaps and unexpected expenses for me and the kids. Due to my incredibly full schedule, I'm always faced with prioritizing from a moment to moment basis. This is the reason for some of the actions I've taken including going "MIA" at times. For this reason, instead of creating a list of things I want to accomplish, I closed my eyes and did them.

These are my 10 New Year's Resolutions. I've accomplished 8 as of January 17, 2008.

1. I purchased another domain today (FREEfabSTUFF). Why? I need to create sites that will create income whether or not I'm blogging.
2. I finally downloaded the StumbleUpon toolbar. (Want to get stumbled? Add your best post to the comments and stumble this entry. I'll stumble every URL and will encourage others to the same!)
3. The sharebuilder account that I've been wanting to start, has finally been created today. I'll be giving regular updates on that. I chose to have regular investments made from my checking account.
4. Ebay has intimidated me long enough! Ebay acct. must be opened before 2/1.
5. I decided to continue particpating in sponsored blogging. Why should I let Google dictate how I make money? I'm not one of the bloggers that writes without researching a company or topic. The loss of income has been detrimental to my household. Adsense earnings cover my minivan payment every other month, but it's not the amount of money I earned from paid blogging. Did anyone see the wedding one of the Google founders had? The rented out TWO islands for the event! I don't think that paid blogging is bad across the board. Why not penalize the bloggers that don't make the effort? It's not hurting them that badly. Again, anyone see the media coverage of that luxurious wedding????
6. I took advantage of my email lists today. I sent an email to 2748 readers. Not bad, huh? I still have another 1000 to go. I don't know why I let things like that slide? It's great to have a large email list, even if it only increases your traffic. I will be using it on a weekly basis.
7. I decided to take's advice. I opened a StumbleUpon advertiser account and I funded it. Will update!
8. I enrolled in budget billing (my electric bill). This will help in the way I plan my bills. No surprises when I open my electric/gas bill!
9. This month, I'm going to pay off my car insurance. That will free up an extra $293.00 a month for several months. This extra money will be put in the emergency fund.
10. I have decided to start a train for technorati favorties, delicious tags and stumbleupon exchanges! I finished the first one. Be sure to participate and increase your traffic.

What is the biggest problem I face with completing my goals?
I'm a perfectionist. This is why I procrastinate...a lot. The hardest thing for me is finishing something because I have the most difficult time sharing the end results. I'm very critical of my work. I have to constantly remind myself that "No one is perfect".

Now you know why I haven't updated this blog in two weeks. This post was written on January 9 and I'm publishing it on January 17!
I wanted it to be perfect. That's never going to happen, is it? So, I decided to just publish it.

What are my goals for this year?
1. I want to be succeed and teach others to do the same. No one has to be perfect,right?
1. I want to increase traffic to my sites.
2. I want to earn enough money from my sites to never have to depend on his child support. Before this year ends, I want to have the child support direct deposited into the kid's accounts.

Are my goals within my grasp?
I'll keep you updated on all the details!

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