My parents were here last week. This is one of the reasons why I had to cut back on the time I spent online. It was kind of frustrating because I had that added expense of the minivan repairs. At the same time I knew they were here only for a short period of time and so I did some blogging, but not a significant amount.
While they were here, my Dad did tons of yardwork. With over two acres of land, it is a time consuming task. The Chatterbox (16 yr old), usually mows the lawn without being asked. She's a great help. Of course, my boys take a lot more coaxing...or yelling :) ! Anyway, my Dad accomplished a lot.
We went out because my mom wanted to pay her bill. That's when I saw some beautiful teak outdoor furniture like this. It was gorgeous and my parents wanted to get it for me and the kids. I really liked it, but I thought about the want and the need.
Here's my argument for and against getting the teak furntiure.
1. I need to get my minivan repaired.
2. I need to pay my insurance.
3. I need to get out of debt.
4. I need new pots and pans.
5. I didn't need new furnture.
5. I didn't need more STUFF to care for.
6. I don't have the time to lug the furniture in and out of the shed with the seasons.
7. I didn't need the additional seating, since we barely sit outside.
What did I tell them?
I thanked my parents for the thought. I then told them it was an expense that was a luxury, I would rather fulfill a need. They agreed. I think that my plate is full right now. I already have 15 blogs, 7 Squidoo lenses, three minivans to deal with (of which 2 need repairs), 6 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 7 kids, 8 pets, and acres of land. No I don't need a pool, more outdoor furniture or other posession that takes time and energy to maintain. I already lack time and energy. I wonder if I could buy those anywhere?
What did they get me?
They bought me a new set of pots and pans. I had purchased mine in the 90's. I do a lot of cooking and they needed to be replaced.
Now I don't have to worry about getting new pots and pans. Perhaps after I pay for my minivan repairs, my outstanding bills and the leather sectional-I will look into a set like this. Like I always say: "If it's meant to be, it will happen on it's own time."
Glad to see you back blogging! I think you made a wise choice on the furniture, although it is lovely. Also, thanks for adding me to your blog roll! Have a great evening!
Just a suggestion for finding similar furniture - freecycle! I have seen outdoor furniture come across when people move or redo their yards. It won't be new, but it would be "free"!!! Good luck with the minivan!
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