
Thursday, January 11, 2007

A Review of

Not too long ago, I saw a PPP opp for a blog. This blog had a beautiful blue sports car on the front. I didn't do much blogging last month, it was a hectic month. Dentists', doctors' and school appointments for the kids kept me very busy. (Oh and there was the hoilday season too.) I wish I would have grabbed the opp. Why? Let me tell you. It's not only a funny blog, it's also very informative. Who's blog is it? An A-Lister blogger named John Chow and his blog is appropriately named John Chow Dot Com. What I find amazing is that he is not like the others. You know, the arrogant ones. The ones suffering from severe insecurities. Isn't it obvious. People that feel the need to be critical and judgemental of others. They feel better about themselves by putting others down. Hhhmm, you know who I'm talking about. WEll, none of that here. He's more like Steve Pavlina, Heather Armstrong and Darren Rowse rolled up into one-with just a pinch of Austin Powers.

The reason I like this blog is because he keeps it real. He behaves like many personal finance bloggers that give financial updates of their networh, debt and income. He gives exact figures. It's great because you have something to work with (if your goal is to be a fulltime blogger). He gives tips and even decided to help the "little bloggers" out, by offereing a free link for a review of his blog. He didn't have to do that. Many A-Listers couldn't be bothered with the masses. Funny, if it wasn't for the masses, who would read the blog? The blogs that advertisers funnel money into to help them earn the millions??? Ok, enough of the rant.

Here's what I like about John Chow Dot Com.
1. He's been attending the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) trade and he videotaped the MGM SkyLoft's bathroom . I do most of my blog reading before the kids get home. You know, the first thing I told them about was that video. Hint: we love to watch MTV cribs. What about it? See it for yourself. Thanks for sharing!
2. Some of the posts are hilarious! As most of you know, The Princess (8 years old) loves animals and insects. (Hence my house is the zoo. I have to learn to say no to her/them). He had this video about the effects of drugs and alcohol on a spider. I call them over to watch it and ...What a surprise! You have to WATCH IT. The kids are planning to post it on their myspace.
3. He gives excellent advice for bloggers that wish to become fulltimers in the blogoshpere. Since I take advice from people like John Chow seriousy, I have purchased my own domain names. I'm afraid to go about with the domain redirect because I'm terrified of losing my posts. (No one will have to change their links, it will redirect to the new domain name.) I just hope it will go smoothly.
4. His blog is personal too! With the exception of Darren and Heather, many of the A-listers keep people at a distance. Their personal lives are not shared in their blogs. John Chow has a beautiful picture of his daughter(Sally) that was born in September. Want to know more? Follow the link!
5. Unlike most A-listers, he has used services like PPP and ReviewMe. Haha! He proved SOMEONE WRONG! My fellow posties know who I am talking about. Hey! There's no harm in writing a review. Movie reviewers make a living out of it! It's no secret that I do it. I regularly share all the income opps I find. Gotta make that paper! The dwarves deplete every resource at an alaring rate!
6. I spent a lot of time reading through his blog. It has great content that will definitely improve my blogging.

What more can I say? I have put a link to his blog on my blogroll. Take a look at his blog and see what I mean. Make sure you set time aside because you're going to need it. I intended to glance over the content and I read several pages of posts, which led me to other content and more pages of posts! Ohh, did I tell you he has lots of pictures that he takes with the camera that I want...

Visit his blog. You won't regret it.

I'll be back later. I have to run to WalMart........again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looked for your email but did not see it so decided to ask via comment: I saw your review on John Chow's site today and wanted to know if you would be interested in a review. Please visit my site for for review exchange rules, let me know if you are interested in a review exchange.