
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Write Your Own Content!

I'm getting really tired of surfing the net. The more I surf, the more sites I see with people that have blatantly copied my efforts. Today I found this blog by a girl that is a member of one of the sites I post on. She copied my posts, sometimes just reversing the order of my sentences! The information that has taken me months to write and research was just copied and pasted in her blog this month. Let's not even talk about Associated Content. I even found some of my frugal posts over there!

What do you think I should do? Should I just go on or blow the whistle? If I do, what will it really accomplish? I can confront the culprits, but I'm sure it won't make a difference. Let's be for real! I take the time to carry a pen around with me when I take my 7 kids out to write thought out interesting posts and someone else gets paid for it? Even if it's a small fee at Associated or google adsense, is that really fair? The funny part is that you are using all the sites that I suggested and you didn't think I was going to find out.

For those of you that think you were smart enough to subscribe to these posts so you can copy and paste...there is a little site on the net called CopyScape. Do the right thing and alert Associated Content and take my posts off your blogs. You wouldn't want me to alert or Google Adsense-since your blogs are plastered with ads containing my content.

I had a bad day. I think I'm going to go ruffle some feathers at the site she used to find my content...


Katherine Huether said...

I'm sorry you've been having trouble! That's frustrating. I found your Squidoo lens on AC and I revisit it often to try to find more ideas. It's very inspiring!

Anonymous said...

I have been noticing the same kind of thing. Although, they provide a link to me - I think. This is still a little confusing.

I think you should do something about it. Why in the world would they do that? Maybe they do not have the brain power to think and write for themself. Should we feel sorry for them? Heck no, go get um'. said...

Freaky thing like these happened to me too. One guy took my whole post and hotlinked my Flickr photo. It was my post with foods. I changed the food photos on Flickr to Saddam Hussein photos. Had a good laugh over it with my blog readers but that bugger probably left the blog to rots. I am very anal about people stealing contents and bandwith. Good thing is they are always found out. (BTW, I am a postie from PPP and read the forum about this)

Anonymous said...

hey well with regard to tori's claim i addmit i copied few of her blog content and i hav appolized to her but but as far as your claim and if you are pointing to me i didnt copied post from your blog(if so then tellme which one)...though i am regular visitor of your blog and i have signed up for many of the programs recommended by you..and i am simply advertising my referrals link,dats all...