
Thursday, April 20, 2006


Here's another freebie I found last night. I thought some of you might be interested. This time it's for a FREE 12 month subscription to Good Housekeeping! Just click on the link, sign up for a free membership to and you get a free 12 month subscription. How easy is that???

Here's the link for the free magazine.

There is also a site called EVERSAVE that I wrote about the other day. (For some reason, the post didn't function correctly.) EVERSAVE is a site where you can get free samples of new products. When you sign up they ask you many questions in a survey format. They use this information to send emails with questionnaires that qualify you for free product samples. I have received many free new products, samples and coupons. Check it out!

1 comment:

Mom2fur said...

Just be careful of free magazine offers. If they ask for your credit card, you want to be sure you check your cc receipt when the 'free trial' is up, or all of a sudden you'll be paying for that subscription. I learned this the hard way, but was able to cancel after about 10 minutes of talking to a phone robot.