How can one make money blogging with BloggersReview?
Sign up as a Blogger at BloggersReview.
Add your blog(s) to your account. All blogs must be 3 months old. They must have a ratio of 3:1 to paid posts. Bloggers must be 18 yrs and older. The FAQ states that it may take up to two weeks for staff to approve your site. (It took less than 24 hours for my site to be approved. Since then, I have submitted three more.) Bloggers can submit as many blogs as they want. It would also be advantageous to have a high page rank because you may earn more for reviews. This site is available to all countries that allow paypal!
How does Bloggers Review pay?
You must have a paypal acount. Posts are approved or rejected within three business days. Payments are paid biweekly by paypal. *You set the price of the review. They keep 35% of the review price.* You have the option of paying $6.99 to have your blog featured on the site. It may give you more paying opportunties.
Does BloggersReview have an affiliate program?
Yes. When an advertiser or blogger signs up under your affiliate ID, you will earn 5% of their earnings or advertiser's budget. Affiliate earnings will be calculated once a month. Affiliates will get paid at the 1st of the month for any earnings.
What are the requirements for's reviews?
Each review must unique and must include the anchor text with a direct link to the advertiser's page. Reviews should be a minimum of 150 words and not exceed 400 words. Bloggers are advised and encouraged to not write negative opinions in a hateful or discriminatory way against the advertiser. Each review must contain 2 permanent links to the advertiser's website. The exact links will be provided.
How is Bloggers Review's customer service support compared to other blog for pay sites?
Bloggers Review offers live chat. It is available from 12 Noon- 4:00 Pm Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Hope you found this information helpful. I'll be posting every day this week about all the other sites I found. Subscribe to the site to get an email about the updates or subscribe to the feed. Don't miss out on all the newest sponsored blogging opportunities available to bloggers. Be sure to check out all the other sites that pay you to blog I've reviewed on this site!

This is one I had not heard of before, thank you. :)
You are very welcome Dean. I see that you like this one more than the opportunity to see hair...LOL! :)
I've found several new companies that offer pay for reviews. Be sure to subscribe (if you haven't already) to learn about all of them.
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