
Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Would You Like to Win a Dyson Slim Vacuum?

This morning, I saw a commercial and I laughed. I laughed so hard, I snorted. I think I scared The Little One. The laughter was not just because it was hilarious, but because it was so true. It was an ad for the new Dyson Slim Vacuum. What was so funny? They showed all these women vacuuming. All their vacs were making a rubber ducky sound, while the Dyson Vacuum sounded powerful while in use. It was ingenious on the part of the advertisers. I couldn't get the commerical out of my mind. You know having such a large family, nothing here gets normal wear and tear. Vacuums are practically disposable here. I have one the deck right now (waiting to go to the dump), because the belt broke and we couldn't find a store that carried it. We couldn't even find it online. I have another in the garage. It just died. Three vacs in 12 months. It's a record. The Little One's Dad bought me a carpet sweeper. (Ha-ha)

Anwyay, I was reading a blog: I'm not just a mom...I'm a Home Mom (thanks for the link love). At that blog, I read all about the contest 5 Minutes for Mom is running that is being sponsored by ....Dyson Slim Vacuum!

The contest is open to all. You can enter by putting your info into the Mr.Linky and leaving a comment. They don't even require you to have a blog! If you are a blogger, they strongly suggest you write a post about it in your blog to inform your readers. So, go on over and enter. You have nothing to lose. You may gain a new Dyson Slim Vacuum! (Hurry, the contest ends at 1pm on April 4, 2007.)

1 comment:

Homemom3 said...

there is another contest this week, this time it is for a PRESTO. ;