This is another great way to earn income from home to pay off your debt. This site is really easy to use. You are not required to blog about the website or product! You get paid to put a link they provide on your home page. In return, you get paid monthly by paypal.
What do you do?
1. You register on Reverse Links.
2. You add your blogs and the site verifies if they are indexed by Google.
3. Once they are approved, the site will give you a list of the text links you qualify for and the amount they will pay.
This site is different because all blogs are not the same. If your blog has a high page rank, then you earn more money. Blogs or sites that have a page rank of 7 or more can earn $50.00 a month for a simple text link! Motivates you to increase your page rank, huh?
As always, have fun earning money!
1 comment:
Your blog is awesome. Thank you for finding all these great companies to work for. I am also trying to get out of debt.
You also introduced me to myLot. Thanks!
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