The first opportunity is their content link program. You get paid to link to a site from your content. You write the post so that it is relevant to the topic of your blog. The second opportunity they offer is by providing text links in your sidebar. You have the choice of either approving your ads manually or having InBlogAds approve them for you. The site states that the links will not interfere with Google Adsense, Yahoo! Publisher Network or any other contextually served ad. Once an advertiser purchases the link, you receive 60% of the sale price for each link ad sold from your blog. You have the choice of accepting or rejecting the offer. With either opportunity, you have total control of the links you will display.
What Do You Need to Do
1. Visit InBlogAds and submit your blog(s) for review.
2. When you are given an offer, you write the content, post the link and submit it.
3. The links must stay up for a month.
4. Once you reach the $10.00 threshhold, you will receive your payment by paypal.
5. If you are applying for the text link ads on your sidebar, you must paste the code into your blog's template. The advertisers pay for the ads. The payments will be made after 30 days, to your paypal (once you meet the $10.00 threshhold).
Have fun earning money! Don't forget, the holidays are approaching fast. Any money you earn this week, will be in your paypal account before BLACK FRIDAY!!!!!!! This means you can do your Chrsitmas Shopping without using your credit cards!
Related Topics
Visit MAKE MONEY ONLINE for every "get paid to blog" company and online income opp!
1 comment:
Oh, I love that last comment. That's why I'm doing it....Black Friday here I come and I hear I don't even have to leave my house. Woo hoo, saves on sanity and gas!
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