Coupons are a way for companies to attract consumers to purchase their products. They provide a 50 cent coupon with the hope that you will use it and buy their product. That may not seem like a huge savings, but it may bring the price down lower than the no frills brand and for some savvy, frugal shoppers...that may be the perfect bait. Now, using coupons gets a little more exciting when you have a supermarket that doubles or even triples them. Now your 50 cent coupon is worth $1.00 or $1.50. What does this mean for you? Well, if the product costs $2.29 and you have a 50 cent coupon and your supermarket doubles the face value, your total cost is now $1.29. If the supermarket triples the coupons, your total cost is 79 cents! That sounds great, doesn't it? Now you want to go and test this out, don't you?
Let me give you a couple of tips before you start on your quest for free groceries.
1. Read the coupons before you get to the register. It may say "Do not Double" or it may specify a certain variety or a certain size. You don't want to end up paying more because you didn't pay attention to the details.
2. Always check the expiration dates on the coupons.
3. Make sure your supermarket takes coupons. There are some warehouse supermarkets that claim to have rockbottom prices and so they don't honor any coupons.
4. Some supermarkets have register tapes that have coupons printed on them. These coupons can be combined with your regular coupons therefore multiplying your savings!
Where can you find these precious coupons? Coupons can be found in magazines, in a Sunday' newspaper in the form of an insert and even in your mailbox! My favorite place to get them is online. Every product has a customer service number on the label. You can either call the 1-800 number and ask to be added to their mailing list or you can use their email address to sign up for deals and newsletters delivered to your inbox. I have found many of their sites and have included links on previous posts for free samples and coupons. Some people buy coupons on ebay. I wouldn't do that because most of the time, you don't know what you're getting and it wouldn't be cost effective for me. I like to peruse the coupons sites and print up only the coupons I know I am going to use. Many of the online coupon sites offer coupons for pet supplies. Pet supplies are a bit pricey, so you might want to check the sites to see what you can find.
Here are just a few sites. I hope you find coupons for your every need! Happy shopping and saving!!!!!!!

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